On one hand, like any specialists you hire, the outsourced team will need time for the discovery phase to evaluate the project and its requirements. In case you want to monitor the performance of the remote employee and more responsibility, then outstaffing is the mode you need. By hiring dedicated specialists, you fulfill the missing elements of your team and get full control over the tasks you handle to them. Go through a software outsourcing and outstaffing trial period without firm commitments, and if the developers are to your liking, prepare to offer a term commitment of a year or more to the vendor. For outsourcers building the entire turnkey app for you, ask for the references of at least two software applications they have launched successfully. Outsourcers, outstaffers and recruiters commonly portray interns as juniors, juniors as mid-levels and mid-levels as seniors.

In this article we’ll define, compare and inspect pros and cons of outsourcing and outstaffing models. UVIK is an outstaffing company that’s been providing skilled developers for various projects for over a decade. Our specialists have worked in teams on solutions for legal, fintech, ecommerce, management, and other industries, so they quickly pick up the developing pace and maintain it.

What is an IT Outsourcing Model?

I believe the vendors that are efficient with your time and money are so because they focus on a specific vertical — like fintech or mobile games — and have expertise in one or two languages. Their expertise helps them deliver the project smartly, swiftly, and cost-efficiently. Here is a tried and tested outsourcing solution called the Agile Projects model that has helped hundreds of global clients to entrust their software projects with a safe partner. If you need to keep control over the workforce but eliminate their overhead and financial support, outstaffing is an attractive option. The responsibilities of the official employer are shifted to the contractor, and you manage the personnel, as usual, paying for the services of the outstaffer through their contract.

software outsourcing and outstaffing

So you will once again formulate for yourself the pros and cons of hiring outstaffing versus outsourcing teams. From assigning tasks to monitoring the whole process, a project’s management can be found difficult by those who have never done or have not enough time to do that. Outstaffing is an alternative form of offshore software development where a client hires a specialist to perform specific development tasks.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing

It’s an arrangement that can work smoothly, but you must keep your HR department apprised of your outstaffing development plan and ensure the engagement rules are clearly defined. When you compare outstaffing vs. outsourcing, you’ll find that outstaffing can feel like you’ve expanded your staff without the headaches of taking on long-term employees. The experience reported by Deloitte Survey respondents is mostly (78%) positive. Computer Economics claims that 65% of businesses outsourcing application service will continue to do so and plan on further increasing their involvement in outsourcing. With a growing demand for affordable yet skilled IT professionals, the US market faces a talent shortage, making it challenging for businesses to source expertise… Since 2010 Andrii as a seasoned Engineer has worked on key Development projects.

software outsourcing and outstaffing

It’s up to you to decide depending on your in-house managerial capacity. When you outsource, recruitment won’t be a part of the process. In any case, the outsourcing provider isn’t obliged to consult with the client when it comes to team creation. At Softacom, we have rich expertise in providing services of both types and have gained an excellent understanding of how to opt for the most suitable model in different cases.

Reasons to Choose Kotlin Development Company for Your Project

In case of outstaffing, the client (or someone on their side) will manage the remote team and ensure that the SDLC goes in the right direction. With that in mind, you need to see if you have internal resources for team management if you choose this approach. When you outsource, you won’t manage the team, as the vendor handles the SDLC. In both approaches, the vendor handles payroll, team retention, overhead, and other remote team-related expenses. As opposed to outsourcing, outstaffing assumes that the client needs to keep an eye on the ball at all times when it comes to the SDLC. The tech team provided by the vendor works under the client’s direct management, using the engineering practices, communication style, and workflows prevailing in their company.

It will be a long time before AI can replace developers because there will always be something that needs to be fixed. Either it’s an error in the code or something wrong with the configuration. For example, if a bot has already written code that seems to work, but an error appears. The developer can spend little time writing the code but later spends more time looking for the error. Stepping into the path of interacting with GenAI demands from users the ability to set tasks. In this case, there is a need to be able to set tasks correctly to get the expected deliverables.

The industry background for outsourcing & outstaffing

It’s essential to maintain an open communication channel with the outstaffing companies and their developers. Decide which method works best for both parties and agree on them. For example, you use tools like Slack, and Asana to plan, discuss and keep track of projects.

software outsourcing and outstaffing

The hired person from the offshore location will quickly get integrated with the main office and starts getting things done in a fast-paced and efficient manner. The client will choose a third-party vendor once they are convinced about their capability to offer the required resources. The vendor will have qualified professionals, and the required tools, equipment, and infrastructure to support their work.

Outsourcing vs Outstaffing Models: What Is the Difference and Their Pros & Cons

That is what distinguishes staff augmentation from IT project outsourcing as well as other third-party staffing options. Consultants, freelancers, and contractors, never form part of the official staff of the company. But still, the main task of outsourcing is to deploy all resources to the fullest, while also developing new business directions without the need to hire or train staff. Instead, a company delegates the project to a foreign company for more cost-effective solutions.

As you must already know, cheapness is not the only (nor is it the main) reason to choose a contractor. In the end, you should be able to make a decision as to which model is the best fit for your company’s specific situation having understood the strengths and weaknesses of each. We are still very far from where the code is written entirely by AI and is high quality. At this stage, full outsourcing of AI code writing can turn into the cultivation of low-quality code and software solutions. The growth of AI will contribute to creating new jobs instead of taking work away from outsourcing vendors. It means an increase in vacancies for AI specialists in various industries.

Hidden Costs

Conversely, outsourcing will cost more because the vendor is responsible for managing day-to-day operations and charges that in the fee. Still, software development outsourcing is the wiser choice if you have tight deadlines to meet. More importantly, you’ll learn how to choose a suitable outstaffing and outsourcing partner for your company. If you have extra resources to use and want the job done without being involved, then your to-go option is an outsourcing model. You will be involved more in the development of the project since outstaffing companies do not provide clients with a management team.

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